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About Us

Our Story


The pet industry today places profit over welfare, spreading dangerous misinformation about how to properly care for the exotic pets they sell and perpetuating the idea that small pets are easy to care for, cheap, and replaceable.


We're here to change that. FatPotat was started in Spring 2022 by twin sisters Sky and Yvonne, longtime rodent owners with a passion for proper care. Growing up, we owned guinea pigs, rats, and hamsters, each time having to look beyond the pet store pamphlets and immerse ourselves in online communities and forums for even the most basic information. Through our experiences, we saw a lack of both up-to-date care information and ethical care products, especially in the US. We were compelled to fix this: initially in April 2022 through a small Instagram-based shop selling handmade ethical rodent products, then expanding to Etsy in June 2023 to reach a wider audience. This platform builds off of the shop and strives to change societal beliefs and improve care standards for small animals, starting with education and support for pet owners, animal rescues, ethical breeders, and the general public.


What We Do


  • Design and provide products for pet owners that promote ethical care

  • Support small animal rescues through fundraising and with 100% of the profit from our shop

  • Change society's perception of small pet husbandry through educational care guides and articles

Meet the Team

Want to get involved?

Are you interested in our mission of advocating for small pets? Want to join our team? Fill out the form below, and we'll get in touch soon!

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